As a rule, it is better for no one to hear how such photo shoots proceeds. A photo shoot for babies is most often similar to a circus. Meowing, grunting, growling, sneezing are at the top of the list of those skills that a photographer needs to master. It’s good if the role of such an animator is dad/older brother/sister/grandmother. But most often it is the photographer himself.
Usually, at the very beginning of photo shooting, the babies are happy to look at the camera. In this case, we work as quickly as possible and do not make any special noise or sounds. Usually I even ask you not to attract the baby’s attention. This will be needed when the baby gets tired, starts to get distracted and looks away from the camera. Most often, somewhere in the middle of the photo shooting, all the sounds that were used will cease to interest the baby - and this is normal. Here we usually take a short break. Then, depending on the mood of the baby, the photo shoot can go either as in the first half, or we forget about posing and control the child’s position a little. For example, we hold baby’s hands so that they do not “fly” much, pull them out of mouth.
Each photo shoot is a new experience for a baby. If at home the baby is usually active, smiling and not capricious, do not wait that this is how he will behave at the photo shoot. And this is absolutely normal! He comes to a new place, sees a new person, who sometimes has something incomprehensible instead of a face, if we add here the mother’s anxiety “how will everything go?”, then this is a serious reason to start worrying with her.
Calmness. You are in good hands! Usually, after 10-15 minutes, the kids get used to it and all that remains is to catch their radiant smiles!